Thursday, May 31, 2012

The One You're Not Going To Like...

We try not to step beyond debunking the repeated attacks against Kristen (and Robert), but we’ve been spying a recurring theme as of late that has everything to do with what we’ve been saying about nonstens, the “overly-invested” and boundaries.

When it comes to Rob and Kristen’s friends, in what way is this your business? Can you for any valid reason justify why you need to stalk their twitter and/or other social media accounts, and intrude upon their lives?

We’ve long been aware of the twitter accounts of Kristen’s friend Scout Taylor-Compton, as well as others who run in Robert & Kristen’s close-knit circle.

We’re also well aware that those individuals, which also include Robert’s “Brit Pack” musician friends, as well as THEIR friends, have twitter and instagram accounts, many of which are followed by thousands within the fandom.

Our first question to these fans would be, why are you even following? For the “Brit Pack” guys who are working to promote their music and forward their own careers, we understand. They need to connect with and establish their own fan bases away from Rob and from what we have seen, have done that very well (although we also have it on pretty good authority that they hate  – HATE - twitter for multiple and varied reasons).

For the other friends, who are being followed by fans for no other reason than to try and get a “glimpse” of Robert and Kristen’s private lives, we have to ask “why?” Is it really your business when Robert and Kristen host a pool party, and if so, what kind of food is served there?

Just because someone puts it out “there” does not make it right for you to hijack it and post it on your blog, your tumblr, or retweet it as part of your own pursuit to know everything there is to know about Robert and Kristen’s private lives.

What unsettles us most with this is that the same fans who are so quick to call “foul ball” when it comes to nasty comments at Kristen or Rob by any one of the collective nonsten/nonbert bunch, is that when it comes to Scout and others, YOU DO THE EXACT SAME THING!

“She’s a famewhore,” some fans cry. “She needs to shut up,” others bitch.

Well, helllloooo...

Now we know this post isn’t going to rank us any higher on the popularity meter. In fact, it may damn well lose us followers. But the fact of the matter is, there are several of you who point fingers at others for the exact same behaviors you are indulging in. Except when those fingers are being pointed in a different direction, you seem to deem that okay.

Now, from where we sit, Scout, et al, are just “normal” twenty-something people who want to engage in twitter and social media just like millions of other “normal” twenty-something people in the world. The fact that Scout just happens to be close friends with someone who earned a $30+ million paycheck last year, is currently starring in one of the summer’s most highly-anticipated films, and has had her face on at least 7 (by last count) fashion magazines in 2012 is a pretty big deal.

But we sincerely doubt Scout even looks at it that way. In fact, we’re pretty sure that Scout regards her friendship with Kristen as one that is what it is – a friendship with a person who happens to be famous. Like other “normal” twenty-something girls, there’s no doubt that Kristen needs and appreciates close friends in her life, especially given her chosen profession and the amount of time she has to travel and be away from home. Friends ground her. Friends keep her from getting lost in the magnanimous groundswell of attention and fame she is receiving right now. Friends, especially, who appreciate her laid-back California attitude, who share her taste in music, film and art, are tantamount to her success.

From what we can tell, Scout has been friends with Kristen for several years. We don’t know the genesis of this friendship (although we’re certain some fan stalkers think they do), nor how often they actually see each other. What we can see, as has been evidenced (and shared by the fandom) via tweets and photos, is that Scout and Kristen have traveled together, have gone to concerts together, have had parties together, and have just engaged in and enjoyed very “normal” types of activities together. (Does that “normal” thing ring a bell?) Kristen has also invited Scout to premieres and other events she has attended AND showed her support for Scout at the screening of her movie Love Ranch last year.

From time to time Scout will tweet about such outings, but only in the context of “So proud of my friend tonight,” or “Please go see SWATH.”

Now, we don’t know about you, but the last time we checked, that was showing support to a friend who “happens to be famous.” She’s not naming Kristen’s name. She is not sharing her address or saying anything about Kristen and Rob’s relationship, nor divulging dirty little secrets about Kristen’s personal life.

How many of you have made similar mentions about things your friends are doing? “Can’t wait to go see “The Avengers” with my best friend this weekend.”  “My bestie just came over and we’re having margarita night.”

So we ask you - How does this differ? If you were a seemingly-normal 20-something year old person, who happened to be close friends with someone who is famous, and had opportunities to do exciting things, wouldn’t you tweet about them all the same? It’s one thing to say “Watch me! I’m going to be on the red carpet with my best friend Kristen Stewart tonight,” but Scout doesn’t do that. What she says is subtle and she’s genuinely proud and happy for Kristen. Why shouldn’t she be? Aren’t you?

How many fans attending a SWATH premiere tweeted about their experiences? How many fans, having attended BD or even Cosmopolis events have tweeted about the same?

So put yourself in Scout’s shoes. She’s acting like most normal, 20-something people using social media.

Calling her a famewhore and questioning her motives when CLEARLY Kristen knows what is going on in the social media realm is not really respecting Kristen’s choices, now is it?

In doing so, you are acting the same way the nonberts and nonstens do when they say they “respect” Rob or Kristen, but then engage in continued smear campaigns about their chosen significant other.

So, learn from the others and the behaviors you say you abhor in them. Then turn around and look at how you’re doing it yourself.

And as for Scout, et. al., let them enjoy their “friends” and all the perks that come with that friendship. She’s certainly not hurting Kristen, and if she was, or if Kristen was bothered by it, don’t you think she’d tell Scout to stop?


  1. I rarely comment but I have to say this is spot on. The hateful behavior is at minimum embarrassing and at maximum a bit scary. Keep on with your bad selves.

  2. Great post and spot on. I just found this blog today and I'm glad for it. I'm surprised at how hypocritical so many can be within this fandom, as this post mentions. It's a shame.

    I'm going to read the other posts now as I'm sure to find some gems. Kudos!
