Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Double is the NEW Standard

If your name is KRISTEN and you're papped on set smoking a cigarette, while on break from filming a movie, you're a famewhore. 

If your name is KRISTEN and you're papped coming and/or going through an airport, ANY airport (and your name is Kristen), you're a famewhore. 

If your name is KRISTEN and you're papped after you've had a fender bender and are trying to deal with that, you're a famewhore.

But announcing your engagement to the guy you've only been seeing for 2 months during a red carpet walk for an internationally aired awards show, pasting pictures of your fiance on your fingernails, then SELLING your wedding photos to a glossy gossip magazine? No. Not a fame whore at all. 


  1. Luv ya guys, that's all

  2. The only thing "stunning" about SinBitch's comment is the level of hypocrisy! WOW

  3. She's spent more time talking about someone she can't stand and hate. If that doesn't spell p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c, I don't know what is. FYI, reading your post gives me peace. :-)

  4. LOL Why that doesn't surprise me? I wonder if she sent her a wedding present too

  5. HAHA! Sinical B is probably the oldest nonsten (well she looks it anyway) and she is one of the most bitter. God help her poor children with her as a role model. Her hatred for Kristen is scar
