Sunday, January 29, 2012

Because Sometimes that Horse isn't Dead Yet...

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said - Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.

We here at BWAN can see the merits in that train of thought. After all, we certainly do a lot more listening than we do speaking (or blogging, as it were). 

We've already touched on this subject once in our post and numerous times on our twitter, but much like many things in this fandom...some people thought it wasn't enough. We don't see much fairness in other people telling us who we should be blogging about but we digress. 

We've been collectively and individually accused of being Nonberts, Nonstens (not sure how that makes ANY sense to anyone) and a whole slew of other things that are too unimaginative to mention.

Somewhere along the way, Rob gained a small contingent of unhappy followers. Now, we wouldn't call them anything other than a nuisance purely based on their lack of structure and lack of numbers.

We don't ever really have anything to say to them basically because they have nothing of substance for us to work with. They make emotionally based statements about how Rob is a cheater (HO-KAY), Rob isn't good enough (oh, and how would you know?) or essentially wanting him to fail in anything he does (we're oh so certain that Kristen doesn't appreciate her so called "fans" trashing someone she cares about nor disrespecting her judgment and choices). 

However, how many posts can we write about those kinds of statements? What more can we say that everyone doesn't already know? It's not like they have started a nonbert website to make up outlandish conspiracy theories that can be countered with facts and disproved. 

All we can say is that these "fans" are sad individuals who have nothing better to do than sit on their asses and make judgements about a situation and two people that they don't know personally.  

And as we've said to the ninnies before, would these people say these things to Kristen and Robert's face? We certainly don't think they would and IF they did we're positive the response they would receive would make them crawl back into whatever hole of bitterness they live in with shame.   

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the 'Nonberts' are middling annoying but they've got nothing on the ninnies. They are a mild irritation. Get back to me when they start sending petitions trying to bar Rob from Kristen's premieres, threatening him, and creating lewd manipulations of his images.
