Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Statement...

As discussed in our post from earlier this evening, BWAN reached out to Giovanni Agnelli regarding the misuse of his name for the propagating of ill-conceived rumors about Kristen. We are humbled that he graciously provided us with the following statement:  

It has been brought to my attention that my name has been used to facilitate malicious and false rumors regarding the relationship between Kristen and Rob. The individual issuing these statements is obviously in a pathological state of delusion. This comment is from the same individual that has repeatedly bombarded me with inappropriate questions regarding Kristen's personal life. I had to unfortunately block this person that is using the anonymity of the Internet to spread an unfounded and ludicrous agenda. I can't say that I understand the vast amount of time and effort spent trying to determine the personal lives of celebrities. However, I pass no judgment; I just respectfully ask that my name be left out of the discussion.

I have the utmost respect for Kristen as an actress and on a personal level. I have stated this numerous times via interviews and social media. As always, I do not, and have not discussed the status of her personal life or her relationships. Any statements otherwise are completely false.



  1. Now that's what I call "standing up". Good for him!

  2. Hope CK sees this..to know shes been called out for the liar she is.
