Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bear Pattinson and the PR Pawn: A Furry Tale

Once upon a time, in the land of non, there was a dog named Bear there were two shelter dogs. The first dog was adopted by a beautiful, adorkable Prince named Robert. Robert was the fairest Prince in all of ninnidom, admired by all of his subjects for his dashing good looks, winsome smile and charming personality. He was also a kind-spirited soul; so kind, in fact, that while filming a movie, he saved a poor puppy from unthinkable harm. This puppy was named Bear.

Around the same time adorkable Prince Rob rescued the fair Bear, a second dog was adopted from the very same shelter. But instead of being whisked away to a life of unimaginable luxury, this second dog – which happens to look EXACTLY LIKE Bear -- was snatched up by an evil Rob-stealer named Kristen, a villainess so horrible and vile, ninnies created a website for the sole purpose of tearing her down. According to ninny lore, Kristen adopted this second dog to use as a mechanism of evil. Instead of living its life jet-setting from one movie set to another, this second dog is being used for the sole purpose of promulgating the supposed romantic relationship between Prince Rob and Kristen in order to sell a movie (or five).

This second dog was also named “Bear,” but it’s not the real Bear, it’s a fake “Bear,” (let's call it "Panda") just a mere pawn in the ongoing publicity scheme drawn up by the evil bastards at Summit, movie studio and all-around life ruiners.

The first Bear is living the life of luxury. All black and brown, with a muzzle as black as night, and cute….

Mole #539: WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! STOP!! What are you saying here, exactly?

Mole #3: What do you mean?

Mole #539: In this story? Are you trying to say that there is a SECOND dog, which looks exactly like the FIRST dog, and this second dog is being used as a PR pawn?

Mole #3: That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Mole #539: Where do you come up with this shit?

Mole #3: Where do you think? At nonsten, of course.

Mole #539: You mean to tell me that people actually believe that Kristen adopted ANOTHER dog – a dog which HAPPENS TO look exactly like Bear – for the sole purpose of public relations?

Mole #3: Yup.

Mole #539:You've lost me. How do they make that leap?

Mole #3: Well, apparently the first time “Bear” was caught on camera was when he was walking with Kristen’s assistant John (ninnies call him Toilet, by the way) on the set of Breaking Dawn. Since Rob wasn’t walking the dog, they automatically assumed it was another dog – NOT Bear, even though he fit how “Bear” had been described. Their theory is that by “planting” a second dog near and/or with Kristen, and her staff, then it creates the illusion that FauxBear is really Bear, when he’s really not, thereby making people believe that Rob and Kristen are “together,” when they’re really not.

Mole #539: That’s convoluted.

Mole #3: *blinks* Oh. There’s more.

Mole #539: More?

Mole #3: Sure. Remember when Kristen was in New York and was photographed leaving her hotel with a dog that had a “Bear” name tag on it?

Mole #539: Sure. That was Bear.

Mole #3: Not so fast. According to the ninnies, that was “FauxBear”, but Kristen just had a “Bear” name tag put on the dog so she could be seen papped with it, even though it’s not the real “Bear,” just the fake Bear, so people would believe that it’s really Rob’s dog, therefore reinforcing the Summit-driven agenda that Kristen and Rob are together in real life.

Mole #539: So, you’re telling me that Kristen took it upon herself to adopt an animal – one for which she’ll be responsible for the next 12-15 years – in order to push a conspiratorial public relations agenda about hers and Rob’s relationship?

Mole #3: Yes. But it’s Summit’s fault.

Mole #539: What is Summit’s fault?

Mole #3: FauxBear is Summit’s fault. They made her adopt him.

Mole #539: Oh, is this kind of like the way Summit paid another film studio and director to make arrangements for Kristen to visit Rob on the set of
Cosmopolis, even though Cosmopolis has NOTHING to do with the Twilight franchise?

Mole #3: More or less, yes. Summit is the grand dictator of the world you know. They can even be blamed for the current financial crisis.

Mole #539: How so?

Mole #3: I don’t know, but I’m sure the ninnies will find a theory about that, as well.

Mole #539: So who was the dog Rob was seen with on the balcony while in Toronto, and the one he was seen walking in the park with the other day?

Mole #3: Oh, that was FauxBear. He was being walked for PR.

Mole #539: How do they know that?

Mole #3: They don’t really. They’re just keeping their options open.

Mole #539: Options open?

Mole #3: Yes. Construing a theory such as FauxBear allows them to hang on to the illusion that the truth that Rob and Kristen are really in a relationship together and that there is one and ONLY ONE Bear really doesn’t exist. The second dog theory gives them an out, makes them feel better about themselves.

Mole #539: So, how do they tell these two dogs apart?

Mole #3: Ears. They say FauxBear’s ears are too floppy to be part German Shepherd, which real Bear is. According to them, German Shepherd mixes should have ears that stick straight up.

Mole #539: But shepherds ARE BORN WITH floppy ears. They get straighter as the dog matures – about the six month mark.

Mole #3: You don’t say.

Mole #539: Any bit of research into the breed with tell you that. Where do they come up with these theories?

Mole #3: *stares blankly*

Mole #539: Nevermind. I really don’t want to know. So, if all of this is the case, then where is the original Bear?

Mole #3: No one knows. Rob is keeping him out of the view of the paparazzi. He’s parading FauxBear around to sell the relationship. The dog is a PR tool. And Rob and Kristen are just trying to “stick it to the fans,” on purpose, so it would seem. Apparently they have nothing else to do with their lives than play PR games with their fans.

Mole #539: So, they’re doing this on purpose?

Mole #3: According to the ninnies. Yes. Rob and Kristen are lying, manipulative assholes who sold their souls to Summit and are bankrolling millions of dollars by continuing to toy with fans’ emotions, giving up five years of their private lives to continue this ongoing charade. FauxBear is just the latest pawn in the game.

Mole #539: Does anything these people say make any sense at all?

Mole #3: *stares pointedly*

Mole #539: My brain is tired.

Mole #3: WOOF!

We’ll leave you with Rob’s own words:

“People think we have people organizing everything, that it’s a publicity stunt. It’s not.”

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Of Mice and Moles...

It appears we've gotten the attention of some who disagree with our stance on things, some of whom chose to blog about us. We've thought long and hard on how to respond to this blog. Some of us didn't care one way or the other, others were all fired up and ready to come out swinging, and yet another was more inclined to ignore the attention altogether. So, as we at BWAN tend to do, we reached a compromise.

But as is the case once again, it seems people need clarification on what we do.

First of all, we are not here to be ANYTHING to a fandom of shippers. We don't do that. We are NOT on a boat. We are on dry land, sipping Margaritas and simply putting down to paper (or Blogger, as the case may be) our often analytical thoughts about this insanity.

Secondly, we do not EVER do anything other than call out hate and stupidity, with a bit of psychoanalysis thrown in for shits and giggles. We firmly believe that the only thing worse than hate itself is IGNORING that hate. It is our OPINION that by ignoring hate, you are inadvertently condoning that behavior. We sat back for a very long time and observed from the sidelines. It did not get better over time. In fact, it got worse. It became vicious and NO ONE would discuss it.

So we grew a set and decided to stand up and say that we did not believe this behavior was morally or socially acceptable. (Funny, seems our blogger from this morning feels the same way about us).

Here's the thing, we don't like what the ninnies have to say, so we blogged about it. And guess what? Another fandom blogger didn't like what WE had to say. So? SHE BLOGGED ABOUT IT. That is her right. She is allowed her opinion. We are allowed to disagree.

On that note, don't like us? Cool. We aren't insecure nor do we need your approval. We knew when we started BWAN we'd likely attract people who appreciated our efforts, as well as a fair share of folks who don't like what we have to say. We are more than capable of accepting that not everyone agrees with us. So, go ahead. BLOG ABOUT IT if that's what makes you feel better about yourself. But don't get ranty when people make sniping comments about your blog post. If you're going to put it out there, you better be ready and willing to deal with the crapstorm that heads your way.

Don't like to see us in your feed? Filter us out. Don't get upset if people you know DO like our opinions. Be an adult.

As for the assumptions about who is behind this? Suffice it to say there are MORE THAN TWO people in the universe capable of blogging and/or sharing an opinion. Neither RoseSee nor Delaney are BWAN  bloggers, guest bloggers or anything in-between.

In fact, if people would look at our past tweets they'd see we do not even agree with at least one of those aforementioned fandom members.
That's all for now.

We hope everyone at least attempted to go out and enjoy their weekend.

Oh, and one more thing. When you try a "social experiment" with this fandom, make sure it doesn't turn around and kick you in the ass.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And the Hate Goes On

Sad title to a blog post, don’t you think? Sad, but very true. You see, the Twi twitterverse got thrown into a bit of a tizzy this morning when it was some time announced by the head honcho hate mongers site administrators of nonsten.com that they will be closing up shop as of September 1.
Lots of people rejoiced at the news. Others, like we here at BWAN, took a side-eye approach, being always skeptical of the motives of this particular group.  Ninnies claim the site is closing because, after two years, site administrators are simply ready to move on. Whatever, the reasons for the closing don’t really matter. The fact they felt a need to open it in the first place does.

Some would like to think that we may have had a bit of a hand in the nonsten admins’ decision to close the doors, but realistically, our egos aren’t big enough to allow us to stretch quite that far. We do know for a fact that we’ve become at least a thorn in many ninnies’ sides, otherwise they wouldn’t keep talking ABOUT, and to, us. (And if you haven’t gathered, they really don’t like us all that much.)
Some in ninniland are under the gross misimpression that because nonsten.com will go away, we at BWAN no longer have anything to talk about. Trust us, we have material for months, if not longer.

Where there is hate, there is always someone out there to counter it. No matter its form, no matter its source, no matter its location.

And sadly, as much as some would like to think that the demise of nonsten.com is the demise of the hate, it simply isn’t true.

You see, people who are so low-minded as to open website forums with the sole intention of making indefensibly vulgar and obtuse comments about a young actress (she was still a minor when they opened, we’ll remind you) simply because she is the object of affection of an actor they choose to admire, will always find a sewer pipe in which to leave their stench on the world.
Like roaches after an apocalypse, the dark holes in which they hide may be smaller, and their numbers may be lessened, but insects of this variety will live on.

It’s a sad fact bound in history.
So keep spewing, ninnies. We’ll still be here to let the world see you for who you really are.
We’ll leave you with a reminder about what Rob himself had to say about people who churn hateful remarks about Kristen (pardon our correction):  “That whole system of Internet journalists [sic] ninnies, where no one is called into account, is almost entirely about hate. All these people get away with doing it because they have no responsibility to anyone.”
We at BWAN are sure that Rob, were he to know that HIS fans were actually behind the gutter-worthy sniping at Kristen, regardless of what his relationship to and or with her actually is, would be disgusted by what is going on. Let’s just hope he never finds out.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Boy is Mine

Well, well, well BWAN family. It’s a beautiful Sunday isn’t it? Filled with daisies and cupcakes, and, as expected, copious amounts of hatorade that never ceases to take a vacation.
Of course, as most of the free world knows by now, Kristen Stewart visited the set of Cosmopolis Thursday night, and my, oh my, how the bitter bile of derision took flight once again.

 At this juncture, it seems spittle could have its own membership in the Ten Million Mile Frequent Flier Club in just about any airline in the world. (Does Air Canada have such a program? We wonder.)

For this post, we’re going to move forward a bit from our ongoing theme of projection. To be honest, we had kind of wanted to spend time refuting some of the more outlandish ninnyosophies that surfaced this morning (the Kristen set pics were a Summit set ploy to take away from Harry Potter, The Royals; Bear is a PR tool), but they’re just so damn tiresome, and there are just so many of them, that to wade through the mountain of bullshit would have been a Sisyphean task.*

Before we begin, let’s have a refresher course? When last we left you, we were talking about the many ways ninnies ascribe negative attributes felt about themselves and project them onto Kristen. She just happens to be an easy target for them because: a) she’s not really within earshot; and b) well, she has what “they” want (or at least think they could somehow attain.)
Going back to Freud, projection is a psychological defense mechanism whereby “emotions or excitations which the ego tries to ward off are ‘spit out’ (hehe, spit) and then felt as being outside the ego…perceived in another person.” It is also expressed by projecting false accusations, information, etc., onto an individual for the sole purpose of maintaining a self-created illusion.”
Instead of looking at things in a rational manner and accepting them as they are, ninnies seem to be stuck on Platoform 1 and ¾ of the Kübler-Ross model of The Five Stages of Grief;

That second hurtle is a little difficult for them to jump over. 

They seem to be clinging to a sort of limbo between denial and anger, and claiming some sense of ownership of Rob in doing so.
Now, last WE checked, “ownership” of another human being was illegal in most civilized societies today. Ninnies, however, seem to think this doesn’t apply to them.
While we know they are not talking about actual “physical” ownership of Rob as a person (well, some we really do wonder about), they certainly feel they are ENTITLED to ownership of Rob’s career and life choices, including who he elects to spend his private time with.

It’s as if they are the exalted ones, the “true” fans (accordingly, if you are a fan of Kristen’s, you cannot be a true fan of Rob), the ones who can, with a mere tweet, control what he does in his life.
Somehow, they seem to think that Rob, by being in a relationship with Kristen, is forever tying himself to Edward.  

“He’ll ruin his career,” they moan. “She’s nothing but a clinger!” they lament. “He’ll never break away from Twilight if he stays with HER,” they crow.

Um. Isn’t that what he did with GREAT success in Water for Elephants? Isn’t that what he’s doing NOW with Cosmopolis? How is maintaining a relationship, with a person ninnies happen to HATE not like, keeping Rob from succeeding?

Just who are these fans to make these judgment calls for him? Last we checked, Nick and Stephanie were taking that 10% commission (that’s 10% EACH, btw) to help him in moving forward WITH HIS career. And while they might, from time to time, offer what is likely advice on personal matters, don’t you think, if they thought Kristen was an impediment to his career, they’d advise against him being with her?

Don’t you think, the people who understand MOST how this business works, who want to see him succeed beyond Twilight (after all, money he earns is money in their pockets), they would tell him to step away (or would have told him not to pursue it in the first place), if it would cause him harm?


And do you honestly believe that the person who refuses to get a publicist because he doesn’t “like to be controlled,” is allowing anybody, including a chintzy and often desperate-looking production company, to DICTATE HIS PERSONAL LIFE?

Somehow, ninnies didn’t get this message.

They snort on about what he needs to do in order to succeed. But succeed in whose mind, exactly? That of the major collective outside of the Twilight world, or theirs and theirs alone? 
And exactly WHAT experience do these females have IN the business of making movies and of Hollywood operations? It seems a bit myopic that THEIR approval should be the only one that matters, but that’s what happens when they project their self-hatred onto Kristen, and in so doing, fabricate some sense of ownership of Rob and his life.

One person, in describing her opinion of Thursday night’s goings on, went so far as to call him “our Rob?” 

 “Our?” Can you present a Certificate of Ownership to go with that “our?”

Yes. Yes WE did.

Last time we checked, he belonged to himself, made his personal decisions for himself, and didn’t ask you for advice.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of people out there who don’t care in the least who he is dating

And we are NOT referring to you, Vanessa "Strictly Rob".

They just want to see him as a performer and judge him ON THAT MERIT. Likewise, much to many ninnies’ disdain, fans of both Rob’s and Kristen’s are I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T enough to be able to S-E-P-A-R-A-T-E fiction from reality, and Edward and Bella from Robert and Kristen. Most Rob and Kristen supporters (yes, even those who would be “sheep”) are able to rationalize that Rob, and Kristen, are two individual people, with individual careers, who happen to be in a relationship TOGETHER.

They don’t lay claim to what he should or should not do with regard to his life, and while some do make funny and sarcastic comments about a desire for a “golden child” (and yes, even a few BWAN contributors roll our eyes at that one… hey, we don’t agree on EVERYTHING), there’s a colossal difference between THAT sort of “wouldn’t it be cute if” kind of projecting, and the absolute displacement of emotion ninnies seem to have when it comes to their desires for his life.

Just in case you don’t believe us, here are some actual quotes.

“Rob is blind enough not to see he is being used by a famewhore. C’mon she wasn’t that dramatic with Michael.”
“He could be further along, but he’s not. If he misses out on [sic] Buckly (the real one), it’s because of her.”

“The choices people make determine the way they are looked at. No one here looks good. And by no one, I mean him.”

So our question then, is twofold:
1.          What claim do ninnies have on Rob that others don’t have?
2.          After ALL of this, with all of the supposed PR machinations, and conspiracy plots, and alleged lies, and other schemes they dream up on a daily basis (go look at that projection definition again), how can they, as people, continue to support him and his career?
We can tell you right now that were it to come out that Rob – the adorable young man, raised by two incredibly sincere, gracious and stable parents – had bartered himself in such a way as to allow his personal life become a Public Relations joke, we’d drop him like a hot potato.
We did as much for Tom Cruise (in whom as a fan we were much less invested) after the Oprah couch-jumping incident.

Further, what does it say about yourself as a person that you would think so poorly of an individual – and one who has proven himself time and time again to be upstanding in every way – that he would allow himself to be manipulated in such a manner?

The mere fact that ninnies can only rectify things by creating X-Files worthy plot devices in order to cling to their “ownership” of him speaks volumes.

The boy’s not mine, not ours, not yours, and not the "MAN’S". He belongs to no one but himself – and a certain lovely brunette who visits him on set, cares for his dog, and bakes him loquat crumbles.

*Sisyphean Task: From Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king who was punished for tricking the and sent to live in the afterworld where his eternal sentence was to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top, the rock would roll back down, forcing him to begin again. A Sisyphean task means an endless task of futility.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hate Takes a Holiday...Or not.

Greetings, BWAN friends. Welcome back.
We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, wherever you are. We know our contributors were mostly enjoying a nice vacation from the blogosphere, with some of us partaking in the traditional July 4th weekend activities such as ”bobbing for watermelons” and “spin the sparkler.”

Overall, it gave us a nice time to enjoy several days away from “it.”

And by “it,” you know what we’re talking about. Hate.

Funny, though, how some people, no matter what the day, just can’t seem to let it go.

Even on a day celebrated by many as a national holiday, when most folks were taking part in the great Fourth of July traditions of parades, fireworks and guzzling down caseloads of Natty light, the ninnies just couldn’t help themselves. They were posting and tumblring and twittering away about “Spew,” once again projecting their deep-seated disdain for her.

And when the pictures came out? You know, THOSE pictures. The ones of Kristen at LAX boarding a plane to parts unknown?

Well… let’s just say, there was enough spittle to damper the National fireworks display in Washington, D.C.

“She better not be going to see HIM,” they snarled. “She called the paps. She’s a famewhore,” they growled. “It’s just for PR,” they droned. “We predicted it. They have to calm the sheep,” they muttered. 

And so on, and so forth, et cetera!

Aside from the interesting departure time of her flight and the Air Canada lanyard of one papped baggage handler, no one seems to know exactly where Miss Stewart is. For all we know, she could have flown off to the Republic of Mordovia to brush up on her Erzya dialect skills and visit the State Puppet Theater. Does Air Canada have a flight from LAX to Mordovia?

But we digress. It’s not really the purpose of BWAN to speculate on such things.

Fast forward to Wednesday, when nary a sight or sound has been heard from the most ninja of ninjas, and what are the ninnies on about now?

Hate, of course.

“What?” you ask.

You heard us. Hate.

Not the “we hate Kristen” hate that permeates almost every one of their conversations, but the alleged hatred that has been directed at Cait Cronenberg, the daughter of Cosmopolis director David Cronenberg, who was hired by her father to take the still shots of the film.

Seems a few folks from the anti-Rob side of the fandom got it in their heads to set up a twitter account so they could send nasty messages to Miss Cronenberg, accusing her of all kinds of dastardly deeds.

The ninnies’ reaction was swift and predictable.
“Who the fuck does that shit?” “Who does this person think they are?” “How dare someone set up a twitter account to hate on another person!”
Oops! Did you catch that last one?
We particularly enjoyed it when they started tweeting out about how cyberbullying is illegal in the U.S.

Do they even know that that means? Per the legal definition, it is: “The use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.”
Does that include the amount of cyberbullying that is done by them on a minute-to-minute basis? What about the cyberbullying at nonsten.com? What about the cyberbullying that has been – by very vocal members of nonsten.com (and they know who they are) – directed at other members of the fandom.
We know, we know. “We were attacked,” they claim. “We’re ‘innocent’ victims” they utter.
And while BWAN most certainly concedes that the attacks against some of them both via the posting of personal information on very PUBLIC message boards, as well as the alleged attacks of one person at their workplace were, in fact, illegal and a BIG FAT NO-NO, that doesn’t disregard the fact that it was their obsessive hatred of a single person that led up to this in the first place.
The FIRST victim in all of this was and remains Kristen.
So we can’t help but find a bit of hypocrisy in the fact that they are complaining about one measly twitter account that has sent out a total of twenty-eight (that’s right 2-8) tweets to a photographer, who we assume by now has seen plenty of fandom BS in her TL, yet they’ve been spewing their crap, calling names, tossing out wild and disgusting allegations about Kristen for how long? And I bet if we added up those tweets and tumblrs and posts at nonsten it would be WELL INTO the tens of thousands…at least. (The nonsten.com posts alone are over 55,000. You do the math.)
So it seems that no matter what time of year, no matter what time of day, when it comes to Kristen Stewart, hate really doesn’t take a holiday.

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's not just for PowerPoint anymore!

Oh, Ninnies! Such petty little creatures.

Completely wrapped up in their irrational thoughts and negative way of dealing with the world (per usual). And the hate. Oh, the hate!

A few little pap pics surface showing Kristen coming into (or was that out of) a yoga studio, and my, oh my, how the insults did fly.

No sooner had the pap site sent the pics out than ninnies were letting soar the spittle about her clothes, her body, the supposed reasons for her taking yoga, and even her car? Blah. Blah. Blah.

“She looks like a boy,” they say. “Her car is dirty,” they nag, “She has no ass at all,” they bellow.

What we at BWAN (nay, what any RATIONALLY-thinking person) will never understand, is WHY, if a person does not like someone, do they INCESSANTLY make negative remarks about that person? And we’re not talking a mere sarcastic jab here or there. No sirree, we’re talking a NEVERENDING STREAM of tweets and tumblrs and blog posts day-in and day-out that are filled with degrading remarks...and all about a celebrity they don’t know, nor will ever likely meet, and all because she may (or may not) *insert eyeroll here* be dating the object of their fantasies?

What sense does it make that they read the books and screenplays of the films SHE is in? After all, they claim to have no interest in them and say they refuse to support her efforts, yet here they are time and again, IMMERSING THEMSELVES in her projects, going so far as to try and force some kind of make-believe competition between her and her boyfriend?

“Her films fail,” they claim. “No one in Hollywood wants her,” they assert. “She has nothing booked past Snow White.” (Of course, far be it for US to remind them that at this point, Rob has nothing in the works past Cosmopolis, but what’s a minor detail like that to a ninny?)

They watch, repeatedly, the Twilight films, films they contend they cannot stand, all for the sake of tweeting out commentary that goes along the line of “I want to rip her face off their kissing sucks so bad,” "She only has one expression,” “How can anyone stand to be near her?”

“Why is she on the cover of that magazine?” they vomit. “Her PR team must be working overtime to keep her even minimally relevant now that she’s not near Rob.”

Oh yes. Yes they are.

And on and on it goes.
We understand that it is a free world and that people have the right to express themselves however they so chose. We also understand that it is perfectly good and well to NOT LIKE SOMEONE. Fine. End of. But is what they are doing really “all right?”
We don’t know about you, but most RATIONAL people we know don’t sit around all day and make crude remarks about someone they don’t like unless there is a deeper issue at work. A much deeper issue, in fact, and one that deals with a great deal of self-loathing.

What other reason is there to trash and demean someone so endlessly unless it keeps you from having to deal with negative feelings you have about yourself?

We at BWAN knew many would be curious about this kind of behavior, especially since the more reasoned (and reasonable) folks we all know seem to abide by the ages-old idea that negativity born is negativity worn. Simply put, the more negative you are about other people, the more that negativity is a reflection of yourself.

Of course, we weren’t the folks to come up with that construct. Nope, for that you can point the finger at der Vater of psychoanalysis, dear old Sigmund Freud.

Yup, he of the slip and the sofa was one of the first in the study of psychology to come up with the concept of psychological projection; namely, that we asperse onto others those things we hate most about in ourselves. According to wikipedia, psychological projection can also be established as “a means of obtaining or justifying certain actions that would normally be found atrocious or heinous. This often means projecting false accusations, information, etc., onto an individual for the sole purpose of maintaining a self-created illusion.

Sound familiar, anyone?

That’s not to say that folks on the R/K side of the fence don’t project, as well, but their type of projection runs more along the lines of what psychologists call romantic transference (and we WILL get to that in another post).

In short, projection is a defense mechanism, one that keeps our ego squarely in check (or so we think), all the while allowing our subconscious minds (or IDs, to the psychologically-inclined) to continue to self-contaminate.

That’s not to say that if I were to say “Kristen is a skinny bitch,” that I believe myself to be a “skinny bitch,” so much as my ego-self, blatant self-critic that it is, can’t handle the negative feelings I have about my own body shape or facial features (things that keep me unattractive to the object of my fantasy, or perhaps even a real potential romantic partner. Instead of dealing with this self-loathing head-on, I broadcast those negative feelings onto someone else – someone who is an easy target, who is prey to me because she is the best and easiest avenue onto which to project.

So, in this manner, projection is used as a means of not only justifying their ongoing hatred towards Kristen, but to feel better about themselves, as well.

One person we know who is in the field of mental health even went so far as to say that this type of behavior is addictive, that it creates a chemical reaction in the brain whereby people are compelled to react negatively to the object of their projections because it boots their serotonin and gives them a high.

Say whaaa?

You read that right, folks. Hating on Kristen Stewart is an addiction.

“It’s the same feeling many substance abusers seek when they start taking drugs or getting drunk. It may be a subtle shift in the body’s chemical makeup, but at the end of the day, the increased levels of serotonin created by making these negative comments are likely equal to enjoying a cocktail or two, or for some, smoking a few cigarettes. Then, as with any other substance abuse, it is a slippery slope towards addiction in that the body’s need for serotonin continues to increase, so people do what they can to fulfill that craving. Once that need kicks in, the compulsion to act on the behavior gets continually stronger. Finding a group people who are in the same mode of addiction with you only fuels the fire because your behavior is justified among peers, even though it is against the norm.”
Whoa! Those are some Deep Thoughts, there, Ted Handy.

What saddens us MOST of all (truly, it is sad) about this particular brand of ninnie, is many of these women are mothers of young children; children who are likely to see this type of behavior and learn that hateful remarks are okay.

So, in an era where bullying at school is at an all-time high, these people are leading (children) by their example by telling the world that it is okay to hate, even if who they are hating on is themselves.

We believe these people need to get out more, or try new things, make new (non-online) friends in order to find some kind of fulfillment in life since obviously what they ARE doing isn’t working very well.

If not, they can always take a page out of the Stuart Smalley book of life and start each morning with a daily affirmation: “I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me.”
Maybe then they’ll be able to set their Kristen hate aside and see her for who she really is (and through Rob’s eyes), as an incredibly-beautiful, unique, talented and smart young woman who struggles with her own identity at times, and wants nothing more to succeed in the world and care for those around her.

However, we certainly will not be holding our breath on that one.