Friday, July 1, 2011

It's not just for PowerPoint anymore!

Oh, Ninnies! Such petty little creatures.

Completely wrapped up in their irrational thoughts and negative way of dealing with the world (per usual). And the hate. Oh, the hate!

A few little pap pics surface showing Kristen coming into (or was that out of) a yoga studio, and my, oh my, how the insults did fly.

No sooner had the pap site sent the pics out than ninnies were letting soar the spittle about her clothes, her body, the supposed reasons for her taking yoga, and even her car? Blah. Blah. Blah.

“She looks like a boy,” they say. “Her car is dirty,” they nag, “She has no ass at all,” they bellow.

What we at BWAN (nay, what any RATIONALLY-thinking person) will never understand, is WHY, if a person does not like someone, do they INCESSANTLY make negative remarks about that person? And we’re not talking a mere sarcastic jab here or there. No sirree, we’re talking a NEVERENDING STREAM of tweets and tumblrs and blog posts day-in and day-out that are filled with degrading remarks...and all about a celebrity they don’t know, nor will ever likely meet, and all because she may (or may not) *insert eyeroll here* be dating the object of their fantasies?

What sense does it make that they read the books and screenplays of the films SHE is in? After all, they claim to have no interest in them and say they refuse to support her efforts, yet here they are time and again, IMMERSING THEMSELVES in her projects, going so far as to try and force some kind of make-believe competition between her and her boyfriend?

“Her films fail,” they claim. “No one in Hollywood wants her,” they assert. “She has nothing booked past Snow White.” (Of course, far be it for US to remind them that at this point, Rob has nothing in the works past Cosmopolis, but what’s a minor detail like that to a ninny?)

They watch, repeatedly, the Twilight films, films they contend they cannot stand, all for the sake of tweeting out commentary that goes along the line of “I want to rip her face off their kissing sucks so bad,” "She only has one expression,” “How can anyone stand to be near her?”

“Why is she on the cover of that magazine?” they vomit. “Her PR team must be working overtime to keep her even minimally relevant now that she’s not near Rob.”

Oh yes. Yes they are.

And on and on it goes.
We understand that it is a free world and that people have the right to express themselves however they so chose. We also understand that it is perfectly good and well to NOT LIKE SOMEONE. Fine. End of. But is what they are doing really “all right?”
We don’t know about you, but most RATIONAL people we know don’t sit around all day and make crude remarks about someone they don’t like unless there is a deeper issue at work. A much deeper issue, in fact, and one that deals with a great deal of self-loathing.

What other reason is there to trash and demean someone so endlessly unless it keeps you from having to deal with negative feelings you have about yourself?

We at BWAN knew many would be curious about this kind of behavior, especially since the more reasoned (and reasonable) folks we all know seem to abide by the ages-old idea that negativity born is negativity worn. Simply put, the more negative you are about other people, the more that negativity is a reflection of yourself.

Of course, we weren’t the folks to come up with that construct. Nope, for that you can point the finger at der Vater of psychoanalysis, dear old Sigmund Freud.

Yup, he of the slip and the sofa was one of the first in the study of psychology to come up with the concept of psychological projection; namely, that we asperse onto others those things we hate most about in ourselves. According to wikipedia, psychological projection can also be established as “a means of obtaining or justifying certain actions that would normally be found atrocious or heinous. This often means projecting false accusations, information, etc., onto an individual for the sole purpose of maintaining a self-created illusion.

Sound familiar, anyone?

That’s not to say that folks on the R/K side of the fence don’t project, as well, but their type of projection runs more along the lines of what psychologists call romantic transference (and we WILL get to that in another post).

In short, projection is a defense mechanism, one that keeps our ego squarely in check (or so we think), all the while allowing our subconscious minds (or IDs, to the psychologically-inclined) to continue to self-contaminate.

That’s not to say that if I were to say “Kristen is a skinny bitch,” that I believe myself to be a “skinny bitch,” so much as my ego-self, blatant self-critic that it is, can’t handle the negative feelings I have about my own body shape or facial features (things that keep me unattractive to the object of my fantasy, or perhaps even a real potential romantic partner. Instead of dealing with this self-loathing head-on, I broadcast those negative feelings onto someone else – someone who is an easy target, who is prey to me because she is the best and easiest avenue onto which to project.

So, in this manner, projection is used as a means of not only justifying their ongoing hatred towards Kristen, but to feel better about themselves, as well.

One person we know who is in the field of mental health even went so far as to say that this type of behavior is addictive, that it creates a chemical reaction in the brain whereby people are compelled to react negatively to the object of their projections because it boots their serotonin and gives them a high.

Say whaaa?

You read that right, folks. Hating on Kristen Stewart is an addiction.

“It’s the same feeling many substance abusers seek when they start taking drugs or getting drunk. It may be a subtle shift in the body’s chemical makeup, but at the end of the day, the increased levels of serotonin created by making these negative comments are likely equal to enjoying a cocktail or two, or for some, smoking a few cigarettes. Then, as with any other substance abuse, it is a slippery slope towards addiction in that the body’s need for serotonin continues to increase, so people do what they can to fulfill that craving. Once that need kicks in, the compulsion to act on the behavior gets continually stronger. Finding a group people who are in the same mode of addiction with you only fuels the fire because your behavior is justified among peers, even though it is against the norm.”
Whoa! Those are some Deep Thoughts, there, Ted Handy.

What saddens us MOST of all (truly, it is sad) about this particular brand of ninnie, is many of these women are mothers of young children; children who are likely to see this type of behavior and learn that hateful remarks are okay.

So, in an era where bullying at school is at an all-time high, these people are leading (children) by their example by telling the world that it is okay to hate, even if who they are hating on is themselves.

We believe these people need to get out more, or try new things, make new (non-online) friends in order to find some kind of fulfillment in life since obviously what they ARE doing isn’t working very well.

If not, they can always take a page out of the Stuart Smalley book of life and start each morning with a daily affirmation: “I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me.”
Maybe then they’ll be able to set their Kristen hate aside and see her for who she really is (and through Rob’s eyes), as an incredibly-beautiful, unique, talented and smart young woman who struggles with her own identity at times, and wants nothing more to succeed in the world and care for those around her.

However, we certainly will not be holding our breath on that one.


  1. And do you know what? In the end of day/night,whatever, Kristen is going home to Rob's arms, or Rob is taking Kristen home!No matter how much they hate her, their word vomit, Rob loves her, and we trust him, bc he knows her better than everybody else.He knows the real Kristen and that's why we love her so much, bc she is what she is, and not what people want Kristen be.She is UNIQUE (Rob's word)

    Nice post!

  2. I AM A ROB'S FAN FIRST, let me just say this, i don't know how to relate to a female as how i relate to being so found of rob, i fact i love him but totally as a fan! now kristen i believe she is the best at everything she tries, but i can't feel the same as i do for rob, and you know the reason?because she is female, is that homobhopic? i hope not because i do support and respect her work always, i so love the cake eaters, OSCAR performance1 as always.

  3. Hey there, lovelies, I've tried leaving comments before on previous posts but to no avail. This was an excellent essay highlighting all the things that I've been trying to communicate and highlight for the past year with my own blog--Musings On Other. You all are so succinct and brilliant in your message in its simplicity of HOLD UP THE MIRROR. You are simply holding up a mirror and letting the Nonsensicals and Irrationals and Projectors and whom Kristen refers to as BullShitPeople do as they do and incriminate themselves with their own bizarrely fascinating and terrifying behaviors. I AM a licensed psychotherapist and while I am NOT a fan of "You're Inferior and I want to boff my mother" Freud, I appreciate that he highlights the foundation of and very integrative theories of subconscious suppression and defense mechanisms. Projection and Displacement are HUGE mechanisms in the Ninnies behaviors and it's embarrassing to witness as they employ them. But thanks to you, we SEE them, even if THEY cannot. Great post. Keep going! xo, KJ

  4. "What saddens us MOST of all (truly, it is sad) about this particular brand of ninnie, is many of these women are mothers of young children; children who are likely to see this type of behavior and learn that hateful remarks are okay."
    This is so disturbing ,I just don't know what to say.The other thing that really bothers me is that if you see, most of the "fan" pics of Rob are with middle-aged women who stalk him endlessly wherever he goes...Have they no self respect-making complete fools out of themselves?Go home-take care of your family -get to know your children...Every single time, I feel embarrassed for them and I don't find that type of behaviour normal at all.It would be if you saw young girls surrounding him,but nooo all you see is cougars and more cougars happily set stalking just to take a pic and write a long essay the next day saying that he looked at them(!!),smiled at them(!!)etc.I really don't know if I feel sorry for them or make fun of them.Get a grip woman,you look ABSOLUTELY ridiculous!Lastly I feel sorry for Rob because I can almost tell the thoughts that cross his mind...Oh and Kristen IS better than all of them!!

  5. Keep it up please. These sick women deserve much ridicule and shame. If they were willing to stop and admit what they are doing and saying is wrong, I would be supportive of their reform. But they are much too stubborn, insisting its their right to hate. The "I don't really care" is the most absurd lie they tell. I really would like to see some exposure of this group on a much larger scale. Would any of them be willing to go on a talk show to debate their conspiracy theories and justify their hate? No. Bullies are Always cowards.

  6. Good points all. Part of the problem is the endemic tendency of women to judge other women according to their own wholly subjective guidelines in order to feel superior. Until we've educated ourselves out of that knee-jerk trap, illustrated yet again in one of the responses above, true sexual equality will never be a reality. I've questioned the amount of time I spend online celebrating someone outside my own sphere. Rob's a bright light in this cynical world, and as long as I'm not short changing anyone close to me I don't see a downside to supporting him and his career. It makes me happy & I try to share that. What's harder to understand is taking valuable time from your day to spread negativity. Who does that help? Why would anyone want to do that unless it made them feel "good" in some way. It shouldn't take a shrink to tell you something's gotten seriously warped in your psyche if it takes toxin to trip your pleasure switch. The thought that women so emotionally crippled might be raising children is scary as hell.

  7. "Hating on Kristen Stewart is an addiction."

    Wowza, eye opening moment there! It certainly explains why they claim ´to be over it´ and yet come back for more hate the next day.

  8. Wonderful post! These women have found a commonality in their hate and have joined forces to spread their negativity. Thank you BWAN for giving light to the dark recesses of the ninnies hatred. You articulate so well the warped views of a very sick group of people. Bravo!

  9. LOVE your blog and tweets. keep it up. shining the light on all the rats.
