Thursday, June 16, 2011

Because We Can...

Wow, seems we struck a nerve or seven last night. And, once again, it seems we need to CLARIFY what our role is here.
We are here solely for the pleasure of the people who contribute to our little blog, and hopefully to provide entertainment for the masses, since we felt it was time, after THREE YEARS of unhinged bullshit, that someone call the ninnies on the carpet for what they’ve been doing.
Is it hate? We don’t think so. With the sole exception of pointing out the multiple and ongoing lies of one of nonsten’s lead caca spewers, we refrain from individual personal attacks, and stick to more general observations culled directly from ninnies’ own words. Not much hate in that, really. We’re not calling names, we’re not posting personal info, we’re not deriding or making lewd comments about someone based upon their appearance, their abilities, or their personal life, which is what ninnies have been doing to Kristen Stewart as well as certain fandom members for how many years now?
Call us the Wikileaks of the nonnidom if you will. We dredge up silliness from the dark chasm known as and expose it for the world to see.
Occasionally, the more opinionated among us (well, we’re all opinionated), like to wax poetic on a few of the more inane ramblings we find, and in particular, those things which seem to get under the ninnies’ collective skin. Why? Because, being the rational and logical people we are, we find pleasure in calling out BS.
Are we pathetic? Obviously we don’t think so. We all have very enriched lives that are centered around our careers, our families and our education. Do we spend too much time doing this? Who knows? Perhaps. But then we’ve only been up to this for about three months? Most of the nonsten members have been hating on Kristen for about THREE YEARS. You do the math. 
Bottom line is, the BS has gone on for long enough. We just decided it was time for some of us to come together and do something about it.
So keep reading. Keep commenting. It’s what we’re here for.


  1. Wikileaks! You are precious. I stopped following the nonnies because of the level of hate. Thanks for calling them out. Shameful behavior from grown-a$$ women.

  2. Hey guys! I am only new to this blog, having only recently discovered it - but love the few blogs I have read - keep up the good work! Down with the Ninnies and Nonnies and all their BS!!!

  3. Thank you for exposing the vile hateful posts these so called "fans" heap on a young lady they do not know. You have shined a light on this very dark part of the fandom and now they're scurring like cockroaches. Please keep up the good work. Hopefully by bringing their crap to light it will eradicate them one by one.

  4. Thank you for exposing this, I knew there were people that hated Kristen but not at this point. I like them both,I support them as individuals, with or without the other. It's just unbelievable to see such rate of hate towards a young wonderful woman who is just living her life. How can those ppl can live with such hate inside them.Its really unhealthy. They don't freaking know her to hate her like they do. And the must unbelieable part that got me speechless is that they created a petition to make Robert leave Kristen. Are they f$@&#% serious? I think they have surpass the level of crazyness. And now they are turning against Rob too, which is quite hilarious bc they consider themselves his "real fans".I wish the hate would disapear one day (preferably very soon) but its like wishing for the world to be in peace.

  5. This blog is pure gold. I love it.
    I'm glad someone decided to do this. It had to be done.
    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  6. I find it quite telling that the majority of women who "get" and support Kristen are either educated, career women with happy, well-rounded lives who simply don't feel the need to denigrate others because of their own feelings of inadequacy or younger women, in the process of becoming that.
    If you look at any group of people at any point in history, who exist solely to spread hatred and negativity, the common denominators are almost always fear and ignorance. These sad, pathetic excuses for humanity are no different. They see a beautiful, accomplished young woman who has captured the heart of one of the most eligible men on the planet and who seems to captivate everyone who has actually met her moreover, she’s done so simply by being herself – no make-up, heels, plastic surgery, just pure, unadulterated Kristen. She is and has everything they aspire to and fear they’ll never achieve and they’re too ignorant to grasp that in life, you really do get back what you give out and hiding behind a fake identity on a computer screen in your mother’s basement, spouting venom at someone you don’t know is never going to lead to a happy and fulfilled life. I don’t believe these pitiable, insecure wretches hate Kristen – How can they? They don’t know her – I think it’s themselves they hate.
    I don’t think it’s possible to spend too much time doing what you’re doing. I really admire you for taking time out of your obviously busy lives, to take a stand on behalf of someone who isn’t really in a position to retaliate publicly, though I’m sure Rob would just love to! Too often we turn a blind to this disgusting behaviour and that’s almost as bad as condoning it. Keep up the good work!
