Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's Talk about Hate

There are three types of people in the World. 
  • People who Get It.
  • People who don’t Get It.
  • People who won’t Get It.
Getting it can mean countless things. 
Religion. Politics. Science. Sexuality. 
The point is…Most people base their opinions on emotional reactions. There’s nothing wrong with this. We are humans. It’s what we do. 
What seems an eternity ago, but in reality is more like 3 years, a divide began in this fandom. And at first it was realistic. Justifiable. It made sense. 
There were people who thought something. And others who didn’t. That’s healthy, right? It’s totally normal to have conflicting opinions. 
But then…something happened. Some things became a little clearer, and at the same time, lines got blurry.
Instead of fans being on one side or the other and respecting each others’ opinions… this rift developed into a war about who was right and who was incorrect. For the record? The majority of the behavior is wrong. It’s become obsessive. Unrelenting. Misdirected. Pointless. 
We’re not going to sit here and tell you that we don’t care. We do. Obviously. If you take time out of your day, out of your real life…it’s a general indication that you care, no matter how many times you tweet to the contrary. One way or another, no matter what you tell yourself others…nothing can change that fact. 
We like Rob. We like Kristen. We’ve enjoyed watching their respective careers grow and change, and we support them as individuals, with or without the other. But the fact that we support them as a couple gets us lumped into a category of people who are regularly accused of being mindless followers, incapable of thinking for ourselves. Or so say the haters.
Just the fact that we like Kristen gets us lumped into the “Krisibian” category, even though our support for her is not necessarily on a “Stan” level.

Why are we lumped that way? Because that’s what people who hate do. They automatically lump those who don’t share the same opinion in order to belittle their beliefs. It’s an easy out, an irrational, emotionally-driven response because they are afraid that what “the others” believe may, in fact, be true, and that truth, to the haters, is unacceptable.
Those who hate also have an agenda, and no matter the subject, this agenda is always the same, ALWAYS: discredit those with whom you don’t agree and find new ways to create new truths to match your own motives (even if those new truths hold no logic whatsoever). 

There’s no middle ground here. This “you’re either with us or you’re against us” mentality cuts deep, and we’ll take any day walking in the “against us” category if it means we’re on the opposite side of the haters.
Early in the day, we all stood largely on the same side of the line; fans of Twilight and fans of Rob. Even the haters will still agree they are first and foremost “fans of Rob.”

But through the years, as the lines in the sand became more clear, so have the motives of a certain portion of the fandom, namely their hatred towards Kristen. In short, it drives almost everything they say and do.
And while we can contend that we don’t know them, there are a few things about them of which we are absolutely certain: 
·         It is so clear that what these women are doing is not about obsessing adoring one Robert T. Pattinson. Oh it used to be. Once upon a time they certainly did believe that Rob and Kristen were just friends.
·         You don’t know Robert. We don’t know Robert. So let’s not pretend to know the motivations behind his actions.
·         Unless you were in the room, heard it with your own ears or saw it with your own eyes? You don’t know really know, do you? You can trust the words people tell you all you want, but you never really think about their motivations when they are telling you things you WANT to hear.
Here’s the thing. It’s blatantly obvious that at the very least, Rob cares for Kristen. At the very base level, that’s his friend. Now, we don’t know what kind of friend you are, but anyone who spews vile things about someone we care for, isn’t worth dog shit to us. It’s clear that there’s an agenda. 
Their reaction to Kristen is absolutely an emotionally-based one. 
In the Summer/Fall of 2009, Robert and Kristen started popping up everywhere together, and every time they were seen together, new excused surfaced. “I always do this or that with my guy friends.” 
Say it with us now. R A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N. 
But then it became even more obvious to people that Rob and Kristen were not going to stop spending time together. Why could that possibly be? 
Because Robert feels sorry for Kristen. Oh yes. This handsome, popular 20 something guy sacrifices all his free time to spend it with some girl he pities. He so obviously couldn’t be doing something else with his time. He totally couldn’t be getting laid every night by meaningless chicks. No. We know lots of guys who would give that up for pity. No we don’t. Someone please find us one. 
Then…then it morphs into something else. A below the belt comment that they loved. Because the only reason Rob would spend so much time with this girl is because now she’s a lesbian. Ignoring the fact that someone’s sexual orientation is NOT any of your business nor does it have any bearing on you PERSONALLY, but to place someone in that category just because it fits your “agenda” isn’t REALLY a valid argument.
And last but most certainly not least, a little annoying cockroach of a human being makes a statement. States this as absolute fact. 
Public Relations. PR. 
OF COURSE. They’re faking a relationship to sell tickets. 
One has to admit that this is by far the best rationalization. It’s the most versatile. It’s got the most longevity. It can never fail them. No matter what happens…it can be reasoned away by saying it’s PR. 

Here’s where we come to the “SHEEP” label.
A sheep, by definition, is 
·         a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision
Now. First of all no one in this god forsaken fandom is DOCILE. We wish.
Secondly. Do you or do you not base your entire theory on the insider information you get? How is that not being a member of a different, mindless herd?
It’s been said over and over how well Robert has been raised. How nice his parents are. How respectful they’ve raised him to be. How devoted to Robert’s mother his dad is. 
We wonder how you reconcile your PR theory with that. Do you actually believe that his parents, these wonderful people, would condone Robert selling his life like that? 
Do you truly believe that if, as you claim, Robert hated Kristen so much, that he would give up years of his life for something fake? For money? For fame? Because he is totally a typical Hollywood asshole. Absolutely. Who do you think he is? Spencer Pratt? 
And if, IF that were the truth…if Robert did sell his life like that, then what kind of person are YOU for supporting someone that would do that? Have you no morals? Don’t answer that. We know you don’t.
You sit over there on your little website and say vile things about a girl you don’t know. And what we can’t understand is that if it were PR, why do you hate her? If it’s fake, why do you react like she’s stolen your favorite toy? If it were PR, it’d just be another role that they both are playing. And it is something completely different than not liking her. You HATE HER. That’s not healthy. Or normal. Or sane. 
Why do you choose to believe the most extreme, outlandish things? And you do CHOOSE. Someone told you something that sounded better than everything else and you cling to it like a flotation device. 
Because you’re “not a sheep?” A sheep is someone who follows a shepherd, and in your little world, there are shepherds a’plenty, not one of whom has managed to come up with any kind of credible evidence to prove the theories you have in place (we’re still waiting to see that “PR” contract Rob and Kristen signed).
Until then, we’ll keep relying on blurry photos and innuendo, because even circumstantial evidence is much more evidential than made-up “truths” and obvious hate-driven agendas.(More on hate-driven agendas in our next post).
By the way, Candy, how’s “law school” coming?


  1. Beautifully written!!!! Your wise words are the perfect anti-dote to those who throw back hate to the other side. You've eloquently laid out a rational opinion and a very needed call to examine motivations. In my entire life I have never seen anything like the amount hate thrown at Kristen Stewart for absolutely no reason. Your comments about the rationalizations are spot on, although it still doesn't explain the hate. Which leads to your wise opening statement-some people just won't get it. They refuse to see anything beyond themselves. When I read several posts from people who wanted to start a petition for Rob to leave Kristen- and it was clear they were serious- it was beyond disturbing and revealed a fanatical fantasy world devoid of empathy and logic. I am thankful for the sanity that is Because We are Not.

  2. The fact that most of the haters are married with children, makes me wonder what kind of values they are teaching their children...isn't there enough hate in this world? to hate someone for no other reason than she is in a relationship with someone you like, is beyond pathetic! If I'm a sheep for believing that two adorable people have found something special in each other, then I'm a sheep...If they breakup tomorrow life will go on...I will feel bad for their heartache, and hope they find happiness with someone else...I will NOT however, hate whomever they decide to have their next relationship with...It's their choice, period! People need to grow up and move on!

  3. Brilliant again. I repeat my comment from yesterday. You can sense the vibrations coming from people. At least I can. Those that hate emanate a vibration that acts like a warning system --- get away from this person. Nonstens must be very lonely because I doubt many normal people could stand to be around them.

  4. This hating on someone yet spending much of your free time on them is a puzzle indeed. There celebrities and people I don´t like (I´m human after all) but when I don´t like someone I avoid them, I may shudder a bit when I see their pic or here of them, but that´s it. I cannot fathom why someone would expose themselves to more of something (or in this case somone) they hate so much. Talk about setting yourself up for torture!
