Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Morning Stupid

Seems like our dear ninnie friends have been playing “out of context” again. You know, the game where they selectively pull out a portion of a quote, only to turn it to mean something it’s not? This quote has been tweeted and tumbled and bumbled and sent out as a new rally cry, that in the ninnies’ myopic eyes, screams “See!!! Proof!!! They’re not together!”

The quote in reference is by none other than Billy Burke, who as Twilight fans know, plays the role of Bella’s father Charlie in the Twilight series.

Here’s the quote as the ninnies have been tumblring:

“There’s a lot of conjecture and things people would love to believe be because that’s what people do. That’s the weird, strange thing about this business. People look at people on a movie screen or in an interview and they develop ideas and opinions that probably most of the time are not anywhere near true.”

Wow! Quite telling, no? And vague, right? Pulling out these sentences, and he could mean anything, especially in the minds of the ninnies’ where they automatically contort these words to mean that Billy is talking about Kristen’s relationship with Rob, and therein disproving it.

But, in their haste to spin the truth, the ninnies forgot the most important thing of all: context.

Let’s take a look at the quote, IN ITS ENTIRETY.

“Um. I’m not sure that there are things that people know about her.  There’s a lot of conjecture and things people would love to believe because that’s what people do. That’s the weird, strange thing about this business. People look at people on a movie screen or in an interview and they develop ideas and opinions that probably most of the time are not anywhere near true. So I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that she’s probably way more misunderstood than people would imagine. And she’s such a genuine human being, and seems to be very true to herself. I really admire that about her.”

Nowhere in this quote was Billy talking about Kristen’s relationship with Rob. He wasn’t disproving a thing about that, nor even talking about their private life. He was instead pointing out how Kristen herself is misunderstood as a person because of how she is often portrayed via the media, and how the labels people cast onto her are not at all like she is in real life, someone that Billy calls “a genuine human being.”

Given that, we have to wonder why the ninnies would use this quote at all. It’s not within their realm to even think about posting something that could be construed as half-way complimentary.

Not to mention that it completely goes against that good old PRomance theory they've worked so hard to make relevant. 

Really, ninnies. And to think YOU think you are all the smart ones.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what the question was that Billy was asked. That would be even more telling for context.
