Remember as a child when you would see something that sparked your interest and you just had to know everything about it? That’s something that as adults we never really grow out of. In fact, with time, we become better at it. Our attention spans expand and we are more driven than ever to REALLY understand it.
That is how we’ve felt about CandyKizzes24. She’s been an enigma to us, a conundrum of sorts, mostly because she represents a particular brand of special we’ve yet to encounter in any other part of life. Where else but online do you come across someone so obsessed with an actor that they would willingly put their own reputations at stake and risk libel suits in order to besmirch and demean the very person he is in a relationship with.
As people, this fascinates us. As individuals who work in areas where human behaviour and response is an inherent part of what we do for a living, well, we’re right perplexed.
Our fascination with her has never been because we felt she spoke any sort of truth. We’ve known her to be a pathological liar from the get-go. What’s held our attention is the fact that as time has gone on, her lies and actions have only become louder and more extreme. It doesn’t matter that countless people have called her out on her words and have thus disproved her. It doesn’t matter that time and time again people have provided verifiable PROOF that has completely countered her perfidious claims. Nothing matters to her. Not integrity, not the harm she tries to inflict upon others, and certainly not honesty.
She is a seriously misguided individual who cannot control her inability to tell the truth, a classic narcissist with psychotic tendencies that has been given far too much credence in the realm of this fandom.
What sad kind of existence she must live to make up extremely vile and outlandish claims about people she has never met (and no, don’t come at us with that poor excuse for a manip from 2009). The cherry on top? The people she claims as friends? Even they have finally seen the error of their ways and have abandoned her, throwing her to her own devices and claiming they don’t want anything to do with her, nor do they want her representing them. That is the lowest of the low for anyone.
Sad they couldn’t see her for what she is so many years ago. Even more sad it took them so long to do so. Kind of speaks to their intelligence, don’t you think?
So as we find ourselves reflecting on our childhoods today, we can’t help but think of that integral moment when that favorite toy you’ve been playing with suddenly becomes completely uninteresting and you toss it to the side. We feel that for you, CK.
We are bored. The things you say aren’t worth speaking of because as of now, we are CERTAIN that not one person actually believes the shit you spew. So with the New Year in a month’s time, we are doing a cleansing. Oh we’re certain that you will stomp your feet and flail like a petulant 6 year old boy who isn’t getting that bike for Christmas when you realize that no one is paying you any mind. We’re sure that you will use that time to think up more ridiculous lies. Just as we’re sure no one will believe them. After all, if there is one thing you excel at it is terminological inexactitudes.